With partisan tensions escalating to a crescendo this last election cycle, there have been small tastes of what unity can look like on the other side. We’ve been so inundated with an us vs. them strategy by mainstream media that we have not always been seeing each other as Americans first and political opponents second.…
America’s Political Landscape in a Democratic Government
T By Andy Englund and William Barkley AE: Keystone XL Pipeline (KSP) Ramifications WB: Yeah? It seems like it was dead in the Trump days so Biden killing it is a formality, from my point of view. AE: Republicans all over my Facebook (FB) and other social media are touting that as Biden single handedly…
A Tale Of Two Countries: Have Millenials Seen Prosperity?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated in a press conference 2019-03-21 when talking about millenials and the state of student loans in America, βAn entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.β This made people heated on both sides, some agreeing that they too had…